
Cardiac - Echocardiogram Ultrasound

Diagnostic Ultrasound Services located in Houston, TX

Cardiac - Echocardiogram Ultrasound

A cardiac - Echocardiogram ultrasound allows health care providers to see the structure and function of your heart to diagnose heart conditions. UltraSound Associates USA, LLC, in Houston, Texas, is a state-of-the-art ultrasound-focused practice that uses advanced imaging technology to evaluate, diagnose, and monitor health conditions and deliver fast results. Call the diagnostic ultrasound practice today or book an appointment online.

Cardiac - Echocardiogram Ultrasound Q & A

What is a cardiac ultrasound?

A cardiac ultrasound is a safe, noninvasive imaging test that looks at your heart’s size, shape, and function. For the test, the ultrasound technician uses a microphone-like device called a transducer to send high-frequency sound waves into your body.

These harmless sound waves create an echo when they hit your heart tissue. The transducer picks up the echo and uses the information to create moving images of your heart that your doctor views on a computer monitor.

My doctor thinks I have heart disease. Do I need a cardiac ultrasound?

Your doctor could recommend a cardiac ultrasound if they think you have heart disease but other testing was inconclusive, or they want to confirm their findings. Health care providers request cardiac ultrasounds to diagnose heart conditions like:

  • Coronary artery disease (CAD)
  • Heart abnormalities
  • Tumors
  • Heart valve disease
  • Arrhythmia (irregular heartbeat)

Your cardiac ultrasound can also include a Doppler ultrasound. This imaging test evaluates the movement of blood through the blood vessels.

What does a cardiac ultrasound feel like?

A cardiac ultrasound is a painless imaging test. Your technician at UltraSound Associates USA, LLC, will explain your test’s details as your appointment begins so that you’ll know what to expect.

Arrive at your cardiac ultrasound dressed in comfortable, loose clothing; leave all valuables at home. After you change into an exam gown, you sit back in the padded ultrasound chair. The technician applies a gel to your chest and places the transducer (a wandlike instrument) on your skin.

The gel allows the transducer to glide effortlessly across your skin. It also improves the retrieval of sound waves for better imaging. You’ll feel pressure as the technician moves the transducer over your skin. A cardiac ultrasound is painless and takes about 45 minutes.

What do my cardiac ultrasound results mean?

UltraSound Associates USA, LLC reviews the images of your cardiac ultrasound, writes a report, and sends it to your referring provider within 24 hours. Your provider will talk to you about the results of your ultrasound.

Normal results mean your heart is functioning as expected; abnormal results could mean you have a heart condition. Further testing is usually needed after abnormal results.

Call UltraSound Associates USA, LLC, today to schedule your cardiac ultrasound or book an appointment online.


What does echo mean?

Echo is short for echocardiogram, an ultrasound imaging test specifically for the heart. An echo uses ultrasound imaging technology to create moving images of your heart.

The test measures the heart’s size, evaluates its valves and chambers, and looks for abnormalities.

It’s called an echo because of the technology used to create the images. For the test, the ultrasound technician uses a hand-held device called a transducer to send high-frequency sound waves into your body. When the sound waves reach your heart, they create an echo.

The transducer captures the sound created by the echo. It sends the echo to a computer, which translates it into images.

Why would I need an echo test?

There are many reasons why you would need an echo test. Your medical provider could request a cardiac ultrasound if they’re concerned about heart disease, but other testing failed to provide definitive answers.

An echo test can find heart problems and show how blood moves through the blood vessels and chambers of your heart.

What happens during an echo?

The specifics of your echo at UltraSound Associates USA, LLC depends on which test you need. Echo tests include:

Transthoracic echocardiogram (TTE)

TTE is the standard echo. It’s also called cardiac ultrasound or heart ultrasound. For this test, the technician places the transducer on the skin of your chest to get pictures of your heart.

Transesophageal echocardiogram (TEE)

The TEE is a little more invasive than the TTE. For this test, the technician uses a special ultrasound wand that’s inserted through your mouth into your esophagus. This ultrasound test gets images of your heart without interference from other organs.

A sedative is given to help you relax and minimize discomfort before the TEE starts.

Fetal echocardiogram

A fetal echocardiogram is an ultrasound test done during pregnancy to evaluate the heart of the fetus while in the womb.

Stress echocardiogram

A stress echocardiogram combines ultrasound imaging with a stress test. A stress test is an evaluation that looks for problems when your heart is beating fast.

Doppler ultrasound

A Doppler ultrasound is sometimes combined with an echo. This ultrasound looks at the movement of blood through the heart’s blood vessels.

Call UltraSound Associates USA, LLC, today or use the online booking button to learn more about the echo test.